Eternity 101

While I was a student at Chapman University I was involved with The Players Society, a club of students from varied departments who were passionate about performing. Although this club usually put on rather silly and humorous performances, my senior year we decided to do something more serious, and a member of the club board brought forward Eternity 101. The play is an incredible sci-fi exploration of the concept of eternity, and follows a group of students as they enter a college class on its first day. Chaos ensues. The script is simultaneously humorous and deeply troubling; we loved it immediately.

Due to some complications with the club not being affiliated with the College of Performing Arts, we were told we would not be able to utilize any of the official performance spaces. Undeterred, we found a classroom that the Economics school agreed to let us use for a couple of weeks. We set up pipes for lighting behind the classroom chairs, and ETC graciously agreed to loan us a couple of spare LED fixtures and a Nomad dongle. It was everything we needed to put on an incredible production that left audience members gasping for air as they left, as if they too had spent a year locked in that crazy world with the performers.

Client The Players Society
Date Feb 2015
Location Orange, CA
Category Design